彬漫(英国) 发表于 2017-11-3 07:39:26

HNA Group TIC 现招a finance manager,坐标美国

现招财务经理一枚,工作地点:美国旧金山。            Hi guys, We are from HNA Tianhai Investment, a huge and promising hi-tech company expanding business worldwide. We are currently looking for finance manager based in SF downtown, USA. If you are interested or want to know more about this opportunity, please send your CV to bm.lei@hna-tic.com, or message me by LinkedIn. Candidates should already have residency cards or working visa in the US. Brief JD -Further Integrate HNA Tianhai Investment with Ingram Micro from finance side -Lead or participate in overseas M&A projects About HNA Tianhai Investment -HNA Group is a Fortune Top 500 group expanding rapidly worldwide -Tianhai Investment is a hi-tech company under HNA Group aiming at AI, big data and cloud industry. Ingram Micro was acquired by Tianhai Investment in 2016. Recently News about HNA Tianhai Investment http://finance.china.com/jykx/news/11179727/20171018/25133207.html https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/24232416 http://www.pcpop.com/doc/4/4361/4361913.shtml Look forward to more contact. Best regards.

彬漫(英国) 发表于 2017-11-6 00:10:12


邢大伟(莫斯科)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2017-11-6 04:05:52

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