储铁军(0级持证会员) 发表于 2017-2-8 15:11:39



市场公关及策划主管 岗位职责:1. 在计划的预算内,根据国内现状和消费者媒介情况,制定和实施一个全面的市场营销计划2. 管理和运营所有的营销活动包括公司旅行产品宣传册、产品推介邮件和其他相关活动3. 维护媒体关系和组织市场营销活动4. 管理网站和社交媒体的运作,以确保品牌在市场上的位置5. 与团队密切合作,以确保旅行产品符合市场需求,并使开发的新产品得到营销策略的有效支6. 新闻监测与危机预警;7.日常媒体关系的沟通与维护;8.熟悉新媒体运作并进行方案的制定和执行;任职要求:1、2年以上媒介管理及项目管理经验,有独立操作危机公关案例及主流媒体工作经验者优先,在大型企业从事过相关工作及国际大型公关公司负责过重要项目且有成功案例者优先;2、拥有丰富的主流媒体资源和政府关系;具有体系化的媒体维护经验和危机公关处理能力;3、强烈的新闻敏感性和应变能力,善于沟通,常于维护,性格外向、主动与媒体建立良好的关系4、对设计有一定的了解。5、形象端庄大方亲和力强,具有良好的团队精神、职业素养和抗压能力;6、 精通普通话和英语,并具有优秀的书面和口语能力7、良好的沟通和协作能力,不管合作的是内部团队还是外部机构,优秀的对细节的关注力8、 能独立完成工作能同时管理多个任务 薪资8K-12K13薪及奖金 工作地点:上海市静安区江宁路 PR and Marketing Officer Key Duties and Responsibilities:·                Work with the Manager China to implement cooperative marketing campaigns, with an emphasis on digital platforms and PR.·                Prepare and execute campaign and project plans within budgets that will deliver against marketing strategies.·                Work with both external and internal stakeholders to ensure key marketing activities are communicated through the relevant channels and leveraged to their full potential. ·                Provide regular updates to the Manager China and broader team on campaign results and learnings and record updates in a monthly report. ·                Operate marketing campaign and plan yearly activities·                Familiar with social media and identify good marketing opportunities Selection Criteria: Essential:1.            Proactive approach to tasks and a willingness to engage with others in the delivery of outcomes. 2.            Demonstrated experience in managing multiple projects at a time and ensuring timeframes are kept. 3.            Demonstrated understanding of marketing principles, particularly digital marketing techniques and data analysis, previous experience working within a marketing role, preferably in the tourism industry. 4.            Highly developed written and oral communication skills, including the ability to present information to groups. Selection Criteria:Desirable:1.            Tertiary qualifications in marketing and/or tourism. 2.            An understanding of Tourism Tasmania and its strategic direction. 3.            Understanding of the tourism and travel industry structure and operations, particularly with regard to distribution mechanisms. 4.            Know China media environment and social media operation 有兴趣的朋友,可投递简历至benny@hrtek.cn

妍妍 发表于 2017-2-9 12:55:24


蔚涟(UK) 发表于 2017-2-13 11:55:39

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