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已有 927 次阅读2016-4-25 23:36 |个人分类:英语| 英语

The following is purely a language practice, used as a tracking tool for  language development.

This is part of an essay:

It's a little bit frustrating to find out that the improvement of language skill is itself a circular reasoning. This prevents objective assessment with high confidence.


Let me take a cube to illustrate this dilemma of objective assessment. Let’s first assume a classic scenario of the beginning of the world, where everything is floating in a mixed soup of water and above the water is air. Fluctuating high and low on the surface of the water is the cube.


The cube is an architype of a language system.


On the surface, there are other cubes occupying the conscious minds of different groups of people who then speak different languages. Ordained Division of language mandates the failure of the building of Babel Tower. Also, different careers generate a set of systems of highly sophisticated symbols that itself symbolizes a second-order obstacle of communication.


The perseverant attempt to overcome language barrier faces the revenge of geography. It's naïve to hope people of different occupations to communicate effortlessly, concerning subject matters.


The interactions among these cubes consist of feeling, observing, measuring, projecting, mixing, rejecting, denying, pretending, deceiving, etc. All of this bring about all sorts of complicated behavior, making assessment subject to various biases.

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